Home Repair Projects

7 Simple Home Repair Or Improvement Projects You Can Do Yourself

Are you looking for seven easy DIY projects that you can complete to improve or repair your home? When the time comes, a homeowner is responsible for taking care of things around the house that require maintenance or repair. There are some chores that may be done without the assistance of a professional and they…

Military Members Buy Home

Why Military Members Should Buy A Home In Northern Virginia

Homeownership in Northern Virginia is a smart investment for members of the armed forces for a variety of compelling reasons. Tax breaks and eligibility for a loan guaranteed by the Veterans Administration (VA) are two reasons in particular that are very beneficial to members of the armed forces; however, more on those in a moment….

Housing market predictions

Housing market predictions for 2023

The start of a new year is the ideal time to make predictions regarding real estate trends for the year 2023. Many homeowners, prospective sellers, and prospective buyers are experiencing apprehension because mortgage rates have been climbing higher, home sales have slowed down, and in some regions, home prices have decreased. In addition, increased uncertainty…