
Dear Randy, I want to personally thank you for all of your helpthroughout this process. Your knowledge and expertise really putmy mind at ease. You are a real asset to your organization and Iwill definitely recommend you to my friends and family knowingthat you will take as good of care of them as you did…


We hired Ms. Woods last year to be our agent in buying a home.We had specific requirements, location wise and budget wise, andit wasn’t easy to please us. We were looking for a perfect housewith specific features. Ms. Woods arranged 4-5 viewings each timewe met, was well prepared, and had excellent knowledge abouteach property. After…

Buying a House Steps

Steps to Buying a House

Buying a home can be a stressful experience even in the best of circumstances; however, in markets where there is a lot of competition, it can feel positively overwhelming. Even in the best of circumstances, buying a home can be a stressful experience. Even though some aspects of the transaction may appear to be changing…

Buying Home Northern Virginia

Guide To Buying A Home In Northern Virginia

Particularly if this is your first time going through the process, purchasing a home anywhere in the United States may be a drawn-out, difficult, and nerve-wracking endeavour. The process of purchasing a home in northern Virginia is particularly challenging because the list prices of available homes have dramatically climbed while the number of homes available…